Friday, March 12, 2010


So my stomach has been turning for days worrying about yesterday’s cardiologist appointment.  We already knew that the VSD was successful and that her heart was normal size, but our main concern was the leaking aortic value.  There was 3 ways this could have went….  It could leak more, leak the same or improve.  I happy to say it has significantly improved!!!  What a great appointment!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

One more shot to go!

After days without seeing Viola (3 feet of snow =lots of work hours!) I took Viola for her RSV shot (second to last one!)  Thank God!  As soon as we walked into the doctors office she started to cry.  She knows now, I feel so bad! I calmed her down, but then the nurse called her name and her didn’t stop crying til we left.  Afterwards I took her to BK and got her some french fries (and a toy)….She seemed to forgive me after that!  We have an echo appointment next week, so cross your fingers for good results!!!