Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Cant wait for the End of RSV season!!!

Poor Viola, she has been thru HELL.  She need blood work and I took her to a place that states they specialize with kids and they tired 3X and then asked me does she really need this done?  Are you kidding me!!!  I almost choked a b*tch!  I ended up going to a quest lab and they were GREAT!!  She told me flat out when I got there that if she thinks she can’t get it she won’t even stick her!!  Then yesterday she needed her Synagis shots and some regular vaccines.  Poor girl is like a pin cushion now. 

So I am home today because she has a fever and I am spoiling her b/c she has been thru way to much! 
Good news is her iron levels are normal once again.  (They were low after her surgery due to so much blood loss) and her doctor said she looks GREAT!  Cant wait til April when these Synagis  shots are over!

1 comment:

  1. Poor Viola! I know I can't wait for RSV/FLU season to end as well. I can totally relate. Hope Viola stays well and pray for Alexa cause in a couple of weeks is her big surgery. =(

